Configure CentOS / RedHat 7 to use a proxy

Global settings stored here:
vi /etc/profile

Add to the end:
export HTTP_PROXY HTTPS_PROXY FTP_PROXY http_proxy https_proxy ftp_proxy

For example:

Change Windows IP address settings remotely with psexec and netsh

Download psexec from Sysinternals / MS. It only needs to be installed on the machine you run the commands from, not the targets.

* All machines must be in the same domain or workgroup
* Firewalls must be down on the targets (haven’t checked exactly which ports, so lowered them for domain access in my case)
* Ideally, create/use a local admin user on each remote machine for execution

Change from DHCP to static IP (note the “-h” for elevated admin access):
psexec \\<remote-computer-name> -u <remote-admin-user> -p <password> -h netsh interface ip set address name=”<interface-name>” static addr=<ip> <mask> <gateway> 1

Since the IP change command doesn’t include DNS settings we also need the the below:

Change DNS settings:
psexec \\<remote-computer-name> -u <user> -p <password> -h netsh interface ip set dns name=”<interface-name>” static addr=<ip>

Example changing the settings remotely on a Japanese Windows 7 machine from a Windows 2012 R2 server:
psexec \\Win7-01 -u admusr -p Passw0rd! -h netsh interface ip set address name=”ローカル エリア接続 2″ static addr= 1

psexec \\Win7-01 -u admusr -p Passw0rd! -h netsh interface ip set dns name=”ローカル エリア接続 2″ static addr=


If you’re uncertain of the interface name: Run “ipconfig” remotely and copy and paste the interface name from there.
psexec \\<remote-computer-name> -u <remote-admin-user> -p <password> ipconfig


Hyper-V Error (23001) Cannot create or update a non highly available virtual machine

OK, so you created a Hyper-V cluster using clustered, shared storage (CSV) and installed SCVMM. Now when you try to deploy a VM to a cloud it won’t work. Your clouds are listed with zero stars for compatibility and the below, rather cryptic, error message will be shown:

Full Error message:
Error (23001) Cannot create or update a non highly available virtual machine because the path C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\Virtual Hard Disks\ is a clustered resource. Recommended Action Ensure that the path exists and that the path is not a cluster disk or cluster shared volume, and then try the operation again.

This happens if the cloud is configured to use clustered storage but the VM hardware profile doesn’t have a check in the “Make this virtual machine highly available” checkbox.

Thank you for the useful error messages MS. They really make me want to pull my hair out.
