Change NC2 bare-metal node type while the cluster is running

Normally during long car races the drivers enter the pit do change to fresh tires, fill up fuel etc. Metaphorically speaking, Nutanix Cloud Clusters on AWS can change the entire car – without the need for a pit stop. The driver can just keep driving while the bare metal is replaced underneath, as if nothing has happened with the exception of getting more power. All the benefits – none of the downtime. And, it can be done with a single command through the Nutanix MCM portal.


In this example we swap out i3.metal nodes to more powerful i4i.metal while the cluster is running. The starting point is a cluster with three i3.metal nodes and the end state is the same cluster, but now with three i4i.metal nodes. The change is seamless for the workloads running on top of NC2. Apart from a few packets dropped during the network change they experience no disruption.

Starting point

We start out with a plain NC2 on AWS cluster with three i3.metal nodes. In addition to the basic cluster components we have also opted to deploy Prism Central and Flow overlay networking.

Multiple VMs are running on the NC2 cluster. To monitor their health we start a continuous ping which statistics can be evaluated after the cluster nodes have been replaced.

On the networking side we have set up No-NAT networking with Flow and as such the subnet the test VM is attached to is accessible also from the native AWS VPC. In this case we are pinging the NC2 test VM from an EC2 instance in a separate AWS VPC.

Updating the Cluster Capacity settings in the Nutanix MCM portal

The management portal for NC2 allows for easy updates to the cluster capacity and configuration. We highlight our cluster and navigate to Cluster Capacity where the node types and the number of nodes can be changed.

A few clicks later we have added three new i4i nodes to our original configuration of three i3 nodes and we have also set the number of i3 nodes to zero. This way we get three new nodes of a more powerful configuration added and after all data has been transferred over, the old cluster nodes will be removed and billing for them stopped.

The task has now been accepted by the MCM portal and is being executed in the background. VMs running on NC2 continue working as usual, unaware of the big changes to the system which are under way.

EC2 bare-metal changes as seen from the AWS console

In the AWS console it is possible to witness the process of the i4i.metal nodes being added, i3 and i4i nodes running at the same time while the cluster shifts to run on the new nodes and finally the decommissioning of the i3.metal nodes.

From a networking perspective: The i3.metal ENI which was the active point of North-South communication for the cluster, and therefore part of the AWS VPC route table, has been shifted to an ENI on one of the new i4i.metal hosts post migration.


The node swap has completed without a hitch and without any need of input from the IT administrator managing the NC2 cluster – well, apart from initiating the change at the start. The entire process took just under one hour to complete:

More importantly, the workloads have experienced just a blip in network connectivity and no downtime or reboots.

The Linux VM which we started pinging at the beginning of the blog post is still up and the pings are still getting through. Throughout the hour-long change a total of 3381 pings were sent. 26 of these were lost (0% loss).

The uptime command on the Linux host also show that there was no rebooting of VMs involved.


This was an example showing of how quick and easy it is to migrate from one EC2 bare metal instance type to another when using Nutanix Cloud Clusters on AWS. For more information, please visit the Nutanix Cloud Clusters page below:

How to set up NAT and No-NAT networking with NC2 on AWS

Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) on AWS support native AWS networking but it is also possible to deploy Flow overlay networking as part of the cluster creation process. Flow overlay networking enables many powerful features. One of those is the ability to create completely new Flow VPCs with subnets using entirely different CIDR ranges than the native AWS VPC. This gives great flexibility in handling networking for Virtual Machines (VMs) running on NC2 on AWS.

When Flow overlay networking is used, VMs can communicate with the outside world in a few different ways. One is through NAT:ed networking, where the overlay subnet which the VMs are connected to is internal to NC2 only and is not visible outside the cluster from the AWS native side.

The other is to use No-NAT. In that case the overlay subnet which the VMs are connecting to is added to the native AWS VPC routing table. Thereby it is possible for entities in the native AWS VPC, or elsewhere, to access VMs on NC2. This is despite those VMs being connected to overlay networks with CIDR ranges which doesn’t exist on the AWS native side.


In this example, two Flow overlay VPC’s are created with one subnet each. One is the NAT:ed network with a CIDR range of and the other is a No-NAT network with a CIDR range of

The neighboring VPC with CIDR is connected to the VPC holding the NC2 cluster via an Amazon Transit Gateway (TGW). A Windows EC2 instance will be used to verify connectivity once routing has been set up for the No-NAT network.

Flow Transit VPC

To handle North-South connectivity for the workloads on NC2 there is a Flow Transit VPC deployed as part of the cluster creation. It is a special VPC in that while it handles external connectivity for VMs on NC2, those VMs don’t connect to it directly. Instead separate Flow VPC’s are created for VM connectivity and those VPCs are in turn attached to the Flow Transit VPC.

NAT network connectivity

In this section a new Flow VPC called “VPC A” is created and attached to the Flow Transit VPC. VPC A will be used for VMs which use NAT:ed communication with the outside world.

In Prism Central on NC2 on AWS, navigate to “Network and Security” and create a new VPC.

The VPC is given the name “VPC A” and for “External Connectivity” the already existing “overlay-external-subnet-nat” subnet is used. Check the box for using this subnet as the next hop / default route for all outbound traffic.

The VPC is now created but we also need a subnet for VMs to attach to. Click on “VPC A” and then “Create Subnet” from the “Subnet” tab. In this case the CIDR range is used.

Now the NAT network configuration is complete. We can test connectivity by creating a new VM and attaching it to the new “VPC A – Subnet 1” NAT network.

In Prism Central, navigate to “VM” and create a new VM

Once the VM is created, power it on and verify that it can connect to the outside world.

In this case we get an IP of “” and can verify North-South connectivity by pinging a Google DNS server.

This concludes the NAT portion of the setup.

No-NAT network connectivity

For No-NAT connectivity, the steps are very similar to those just performed for the NAT:ed portion. However, there are two additional steps to perform. The first is to create a new subnet in the Flow Transit VPC specifically for No-NAT connectivity. The second is to add the Flow overlay network CIDR range that we want to use for No-NAT as an Externally Routable Prefix, or ERP, to both the Flow Transit VPC and the Flow VPC we will create for No-NAT connectivity. Please read on to see how to set this up.

First we create a new subnet in the Flow Transit VPC and call it “overlay-external-subnet-nonat”. Navigate to “Network and Security”, select “Virtual Private Clouds” and click on the “transit-vpc”.

Go to the “Subnets” tab and select “Create Subnet”. Give it a name, like “overlay-external-subnet-nonat” and for IP address management, add any CIDR range which isn’t used elsewhere in your organization. This CIDR range will be used internally in NC2 but will not be routable or visible outside the cluster.

The “transit-vpc” will now have two subnets, like the below. The “overlay-external-subnet-nat” CIDR range will depend on the AWS native subnet NC2 has been deployed into.

Next, create a new VPC, called “VPC B” in this example and for external connectivity use the newly created “overlay-external-subnet-nonat”. Note that “NAT-ed” is set to “No”.

We also create a new subnet in that VPC so VMs have something to connect to. In this case we use a CIDR range of “”.

Finally, the most important point is to add the CIDR range of the newly created subnet to both the Flow Transit VPC and to VPC B as an ERP or Externally Routable Prefix.

Select “VPC B” and click “Update” to add “” as the ERP

Next, do the same to the “transit-vpc”

That is all we need to do on the configuration side. Congratulations!

Verify that the new No-NAT network shows up in the native AWS route table

In the AWS console, go to the default route table of the VPC which NC2 is deployed into and verify that the “” network has been automatically added to the route table. It will be pointing to the ENI (Elastic Network Interface) of the currently active NC2 bare-metal node.

Verifying No-NAT routing and connectivity

For testing purposes, deploy a VM in NC2 and attach it to the newly created No-NAT network. In this case the VM received an IP of “”.

Next we add a static route to in the TGW route table, marked as step 1 in the diagram below.

In the AWS console, navigate to “Transit Gateway route tables”, select the route table for the TGW used to provide connectivity between the two AWS native VPCs and add a static route for “” pointing to the VPC attachment for the VPC holding the NC2 cluster.

Finally, we add a static route for “” to the route table of the native AWS VPC with CIDR “” to enable the EC2 instances there to communicate with the test VM running on NC2. The route here will be pointing to the TGW attachment since the TGW will be handling the communication between the NC2 cluster VMs and the attached AWS native VPC.

This concludes the routing configuration. As the final step we can verify connectivity by connecting from the AWS native Windows EC2 instance to the Ubuntu test VM on NC2 on AWS (with IP″) using SSH.

As shown in the screenshot, there is no problem to access the NC2 VM from an AWS EC2 instance, despite the NC2 VM being attached to a Flow overlay network which doesn’t exist outside NC2. The No-NAT configuration makes connectivity from the outside world possible.

L2 extension from on-prem VMware cluster to Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) on AWS using Cisco CSR1000V as on-prem VTEP

This guide has been written in cooperation with Steve Loh, Advisory Solutions Architect, Network & Security at Nutanix in Singapore, gentleman extraordinaire and master of the Cisco Dark Arts.


Organizations frequently choose to extend on-premises networks to the cloud as part of retaining connectivity between virtual machines (VMs) during migrations. This is called L2 or Layer 2 extension. With an extended network, VMs connected to the same subnet can communicate as usual even when some of them have been migrated to the cloud and others are still on-premises awaiting migration.

L2 extension is sometimes used on a more permanent basis when the same network segment contain VMs to be migrated as well as appliances which must remain on-prem. If the organization doesn’t want to change the IP addresses of any of these entities and still need part of them migrated, they might chose to maintain L2 extension of some subnets indefinitely. However, this is generally considered a risk and is not recommended.

Architecture diagram

This is a graphical representation of the network stretch from on-prem VMware to Nutanix Cloud Clusters in AWS which is covered in this blog post. Other configurations are also possible, especially when Nutanix is also deployed on-prem.

Video of process

For those preferring watching a demo video of this process rather than reading the blog, please refer to the below.

Limitations and considerations

While L2 extension is a useful tool for migrations, please keep the following points in mind when deciding whether or not to utilize this feature:

  • L2 extension will complicate routing and thereby also complicate troubleshooting in case there are issues
  • L2 extension may introduce additional network latency. This takes the shape of trombone routing where traffic need to go from the cloud via a gateway on the on-premises side and then back to the cloud again. Nutanix Flow Policy Based Routing (PBR) may be used to alleviate this.
  • If routing is set to go via one default gateway either on-premises or in the cloud, if the network connecting the on-premises DC with the cloud environment has downtime, the VMs on the side without the default gateway will no longer be able to communicate with networks other than their own
  • The Nutanix L2 extension gateway appliance does not support redundant configurations at time of writing
  • A Nutanix L2 extension gateway can support up to five network extensions
  • A single Prism Central instance can support up to five Nutanix L2 extension gateways
  • Always keep MTU sizes in mind when configuring L2 extension to avoid unnecessary packet fragmentation. MTU settings can be configured when extending a network.
  • Even though VMs are connected to an extended network, if the current version of Move is used for migration, VM IP addresses will not be retained. A Move release in the near future will enable IP retention when migrating from VMware ESXi to NC2 on AWS.

Types of L2 extension

Various methods of extending a network exist. This blog will cover one of these cases – on-premises VMware with Cisco CSR1000V as VTEP to Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) on AWS with a Nutanix gateway appliance.

On-premises VLANs or Flow overlay networks can be extended using Nutanix GW appliances to Flow overlay networks in NC2. It is also possible to extend using Nutanix VPN appliances in case the network underlay is not secure (directly over the internet). Finally, when the on-premises environment does not run Nutanix, using a virtual or physical router with VXLAN and VTEP capabilities is possible. This blog focuses on the last use case as it is a commonly discussed topic among customers considering NC2 and L2 extension.


When extending networks, the default gateway location and routing to and from VMs on an extended network become important to understand. Customers used to extending networks with VMware HCX or NSX Autonomous Edge are familiar with the concept of trombone routing over a default gateway located on-premises. With Nutanix it is possible to use Policy Based Routing (PBR) to control how routing should be performed for different networks. In many ways, Nutanix PBR offers more detailed tuning of routes than can be done with VMware MON in HCX.

A key difference between extending networks with HCX vs. with Nutanix is that with HCX the extended network appears as a single entity, although it exists on both sides (on-prem and cloud). The default gateway would generally be on-prem and both DHCP and DNS traffic would be handled by on-prem network entities, regardless if a VM was on-prem or in the cloud.

For L2 extension with Nutanix, things work a bit differently. The on-prem network will be manually recreated as an overlay network on NC2, with the same default gateway as the on-prem network but with a different DHCP range. The on-prem and cloud networks are then connected through a Nutanix GW appliance deployed as a VM in Prism Central.


This guide assumes that an on-premises VMware vSphere 7.x environment and an NC2 version 6.8.1 cluster are already present. It also assumes that the on-prem and NC2 environments are connected over a L3 routed network, like a site-to-site (S2S) VPN or DirectConnect (DX). The two environments have full IP reachability and can ping each other.

In this case we are extending a VLAN which has been configured as a port group with VLAN tagging on standard vSwitches on the ESXi hosts.

Overview of steps

  1. Recreate the network to be extended using Flow overlay networking on NC2
  2. Deploy the Nutanix gateway appliance on NC2
  3. Deploy the Cisco CSR1000V in the on-premises VMware cluster
  4. Enable Promiscuous mode and Forged transmits on the vSwitch portgroup of the VLAN to be extended
  5. Register the CSR1000V routable IP address as a Remote Gateway in NC2
  6. Configure the CSR1000V IP leg on the VLAN to be extended and set up VNI and other settings required to extend the network
  7. Extend the network from NC2 with the CSR1000V as the on-prem VTEP

In the demo video included in this post we also perform a migration of a VM from on-prem to NC2 and verify connectivity with ICMP.

Step 1: Recreate the network to be extended using Flow overlay networking on NC2

Access Prism Central, navigate to Network and Security. Select “Create VPC” to add a new Nutanix Flow VPC to hold the subnet we want to extend.

After the VPC has been created, go to Subnets and create a subnet in the newly created VPC with settings matching the network which will be extended. In this case we create “VPC-C” and a subnet with a CIDR of “”. The default gateway is configured to be the same as on-prem but the DHCP range is set to not overlap.

Step 2: Deploy the Nutanix gateway appliance on NC2

In Prism Central, navigate to “Network and Security” and select “Connectivity”. From here click “Create Gateway” and select “Local” to create the gateway on the NC2 side.

Add a name, set the Gateway Attachment to VPC and select the VPC which was just created in the previous steps.

For Gateway Service, select VTEP and allow NC2 to automatically assign a Floating IP from the AWS VPC CIDR. This IP will be accessible from the on-prem environment and will be used as the anchor point for the L2E when configuring the CSR1000V in a later step

Note that a new VM (the gateway appliance) will automatically be deployed on the NC2 cluster by Prism Central.

Step 3: Deploy the Cisco CSR1000V in the on-premises VMware cluster

Deploy the Cisco appliance on the VMware cluster and select the first network interface to connect to the routable underlay network (IP connectivity to NC2) and the second and third interfaces to connect into the port group of the VLAN to be extended.

In this case VL420 is routable underlay network and VL423 the VLAN to be extended

Configure an IP address on the management network and make note of it as we will use it in a subsequent step. In this case we use “” as the management IP address on VL420.

Step 4: Enable Promiscuous mode and Forged transmits on the vSwitch portgroup of the VLAN to be extended

In order to pass traffic from the on-premises network to the NC2 network it is necessary to enable Promiscuous mode and Forged transmits on the vSwitch port group on the VMware cluster. In this case we are using standard vSwitches.

Step 5: Register the CSR1000V routable IP address as a Remote Gateway in NC2

We need to create a representation of the on-premises CSR1000V appliance in NC2 so that we can refer to it when extending the network in a later step. This is essentially just a matter of adding in the IP address as a “Remote Gateway”.

In Prism Central, navigate to “Network and Security”, select “Connectivity” and “Create Gateway”. Select “Remote” and add the details for the on-prem Cisco appliance. Give it a name, select “VTEP” as the “Gateway Service” and add the IP address. Let the VxLAN port remain as “4789”.

Step 6: Configure the CSR1000V IP leg on the VLAN to be extended and set up VNI and other settings required to extend the network

In this step we do the configuration of the CSR1000V over SSH. To enable SSH you may need to to the following through the console for the virtual appliance first.

Enable SSH

conf t
username cisco password Password1!
line vty 0 4
login local
transport input ssh

Now when SSH is available, SSH to the appliance as the user “cisco” with password “Password1!” and complete the remaining configurations.

Configure interface in VLAN to be extended

Configure the 2nd interface to be a leg into the VLAN to be extended by giving it an IP address and enabling the interface

CSR1000V3#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
CSR1000V3(config)#int gi2
CSR1000V3(config-if)#ip address
CSR1000V3(config-if)#no shut

Configure NVE 1 and the VNI to be used + link with the NC2 gateway IP

For ingress-replication, use the Floating IP from the AWS VPC CIDR range which was assigned to the gateway appliance after deploying on NC2.

CSR1000V3#conf term
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
CSR1000V3(config)#int NVE 1
CSR1000V3(config-if)#no shutdown
CSR1000V3(config-if)#source-interface gigabitEthernet 1
CSR1000V3(config-if)#member vni 4300

Configure bridge domain and L2E via the 3rd interface (Gi3)

CSR1000V3#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
CSR1000V3(config)#bridge-domain 12
CSR1000V3(config-bdomain)#member VNI 4300
CSR1000V3(config-bdomain)#member gigabitEthernet 3 service-instance 1

CSR1000V3#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
CSR1000V3(config)#interface giga
CSR1000V3(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 3
CSR1000V3(config-if)#no shut

CSR1000V3(config-if)#service instance 1 ethernet
CSR1000V3(config-if-srv)# encapsulation untagged
CSR1000V3(config-if-srv)#no shut

Configure a default route

We set the default route to go over the default gateway for the underlay we use to connect to AWS and NC2 on AWS

CSR1000V3#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
CSR1000V3(config)#ip route

Step 7: Extend the network from NC2 with the CSR1000V as the on-prem VTEP

In Prism Central, navigate to “Network and Security” and select “Subnets”. From here we will create the network extension.

Click the subnet to be extended and then select “Extend”

If we were extending a network between two Nutanix clusters we would select “Across Availability Zones” but in this case we extend from a pure VMware environment and a 3rd party (Cisco) appliance, so we select “To A Third-Party Data Center”.

Select the CSR1000V as the remote VTEP gateway and the VPC which contains the subnet we want to extend.

For “Local IP Address”, enter a free IP in the subnet to be extended. This will be the leg the Nutanix gateway appliance extends into that subnet.

Also set the VxLAN VNI we used when configuring the CSR1000V earlier. Adjust the MTU to ensure there is no packet fragmentation. The default is 1392 but this will vary depending on the connectivity provider between on-prem and the AWS cloud.

Configuration of the Layer 2 extension is now complete. In the following section we verify connectivity from on-prem to the cloud using the newly extended network.

Verifying connectivity

As a first step it’s good to ping the IP address in the extended network which is assigned to the Nutnix Gateway appliance. We can verify that the “Local IP Address” is configured for the gateway VM by navigating to “VM” in Prism Central and checking that “” shows up as an IP for the gateway

Pinging this IP address from a VM in the on-premises VMware environment shows that it can reach the gateway appliance across the extended network without problems. The local VM has an IP of, in the same VLAN which has been extended. Latency is about 5ms across the S2S VPN + L2 extension.

As a next step I have migrated a VM using Move from the on-prem VMware environment to NC2. After migration it was assigned an IP of “” as per the screenshot below

Pinging this VM from on-prem also works just fine


That concludes the walkthrough of configuring L2 extension from on-premises VMware with Cisco CSR1000V to Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2). Hopefully this was helpful.

For reference, please refer to the below links to Nutanix and Cisco pages about L2 extension

Adding an AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to direct traffic between web servers on Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)

One of the great things about running a virtualized infrastructure on NC2 on AWS is the close proximity to all the cloud native services. One of those highly useful services is the AWS ELB or Elastic Load Balancer.

In this post we show how to get floating IP addresses from the VPC in which NC2 is located and to assign them to a number of web servers running as VMs on NC2. Then we create a Load Balancer target group and finally we create an Application Load Balancer (ALB) and attach it to the target group.


In this blog post we only cover the deployment of the web servers and the load balancer, however, Route 53 can also be leveraged for DNS and AWS WAF for security and DDOS protection purposes as illustrated below

Preparing some web servers

We first deploy a few test web servers. In this case the wonderfully named Jammy Jellyfish edition of Ubuntu Server as a cloud image. Feel free to download the image from here:

Prism Central makes it very easy to deploy multiple VMs in one go.

When deploying, make sure to use the cloud-init script to set the password and any other parts to make the VM usable after 1st boot:

password: Password1
chpasswd: { expire: False }
ssh_pwauth: True

Now we have our VMs ready. I’ve installed the Apache web server to serve pages (apt install apache2) but feel free to use whatever works best in your setup.

I used the following index.html code to show the server ID

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cat /var/www/html/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        body {
            display: flex;
            justify-content: center;
            align-items: center;
            height: 100vh;
            margin: 0;
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            background-color: #f0f0f0;
        .message-container {
            max-width: 300px;
            padding: 20px;
            text-align: center;
            background-color: #ffffff;
            border: 1px solid #cccccc;
            border-radius: 10px;
            box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    <div class="message-container">
            // Fetch the hostname
            document.write("Welcome to Server 1");

Configure floating IP addresses for the web servers

Next we request a few floating IP addresses from the VPC which NC2 is deployed into and then assign one IP each to our web servers. Luckily Prism Central makes also this very easy to do – in a single step! From “Compute & Storage”, select “Floating IPs” under “Network & Security”:

After assigning the IPs we can see that each VM have both an internal and an external IP address, where the “external” IP comes from the AWS VPC CIDR range

Creating an AWS LB target group

Next we create a target group for the AWS ALB which we deploy in the next step. The LB target group simply contain the Floating IP addresses we just assigned as well as a health check for the web root of these web servers.

We create an “IP address” target group and set the health check to be HTTP, port 80 and the path as “/” or the web root.

We then add the Floating IP addresses we created previously

Create the Application Load Balancer (ALB)

Finally we create the ALB and assign it to our target group

Test of the ALB

Now we’re all done and can access our ALB to see if it shows balances between the NC2 VMs as expected.

We’re getting a different web server each time we refresh the page – all good!

That’s all for now. Hope that was helpful and thank you for reading!