Use Ubuntu as a router with NAT
Setup two interfaces – one on each network ETH0 is the outside / internet side ETH1 is the inside / private network side (which needs internet access) Static rule example: root@ubuntu01:~# cat /et...
Setup two interfaces – one on each network ETH0 is the outside / internet side ETH1 is the inside / private network side (which needs internet access) Static rule example: root@ubuntu01:~# cat /et...
From normal cmd (not powershell): netdom remove %computername% /domain:%userdomain% /force
Reset without restarting (if things are hung and aren’t going well): xe-toolstack-restart View current tasks: xe task-list Power off VM if hung (but it can take a long time – shut down by itself ...
find . -exec cmd -option1 -option2 — {} + or find . -print0 xargs -0 cmd -option1 -option2 — For example: find . -name “*.bkp” -exec ls -l {} + Rule the world!
Start>run: netplwiz Select Account Uncheck box near top of dialog box
Pull current settings: C:\Users\Administrator>racadm -r -u root -p calvin get BIOS.BiosBootSettings.HddSeq [Key=BIOS.Setup.1-1#BiosBootSettings] HddSeq=RAID.Integrated.1-1,Disk.SDInt...
Create ISO from CD / DVD drive: IF is Input File, OF is Output File: sudo dd if=/dev/sr0 of=./some_descriptive_name.iso Burn ISO: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/sr0=XenCenter.iso Alternative If gr...
sudo apt-get install curlftpfs curlftpfs /mnt/ftp_mounted