Disabling Windows 2012 R2 firewall with netsh
Handy command to use when disabling the Windows firewall – especially for Windows core servers which lack the GUI: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
Handy command to use when disabling the Windows firewall – especially for Windows core servers which lack the GUI: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
Consistency in user names and passwords would be nice, but unfortunately that isn’t always the case. While setting up VMware’s vCenter, vCOPS and vShield recently I came across a few default logins...
Quick instructions on setting up an EqualLogic PS-M4110 storage array. In this case it’s a blade model located in a Dell M1000e chassis, slot 7 and 8. Fabric B is the iSCSI fabric and fabric A is f...
Disclaimer: This guide shows how to directly edit the XML save files for X Rebirth. Mistakes during editing can easily render the save file useless. BACK UP ANY SAVE FILES BEFORE EDITING. I take no...
Once the prerequisites (missiles, marines, marine officer and a captain) are taken care of, we can go hunt for a suitable ship. For bulk and container cargo, the Rahanas freighters are a good catch...
In order to take over another ship, four items are required: – Missiles to take out sub-systems, like engines and jump drive – Marines to board the ship with – Marine officer to lead the boarding p...
When starting in free play mode, the first area is in the region “Far Out”. To get cash fast the easiest way is to travel to “Big Empty” and scan for drifting containers. The contents can be sold i...
X Rebirth is now, with version 1.21, finally in a state where it’s playable. Previously it was crashing on a regular basis and I gave it a month to get back on track. Luckily the dev’s have fixed u...
First: apt-get install nagios3 apt-get install freeipmi Access from https://localhost/nagios3/ Config files: root@cruncher01:~# ls -l /etc/nagios3/conf.d/ total 32 -rw-r–r– 1 root root 1695 Nov 1...
VMware vCenter Server Appliance Build 1235310 root@’s password: Last login: Mon Oct 7 17:18:29 2013 from vrtx-vcenter vrtx-vcenter:~ # yast2 ntp-client add server=210.173.160...