Misc 70
- Octopus saying hello
- Arduino SONAR
- Logitech / Logicool G13 cleaning / washing
- Pepper meets Microsoft Azure
- Dark Souls 3 on VHS!
- Raspberry Pi as Amazon S3 file uploader
- Corsair Carbide Air 540 mod
- Cloud storage for photo backups
- How you know you’re an engineer
- Private cloud
- OpenStack Summit Tokyo 2015
- Speaker at Tokyo Big Sight today :-)
- Change Windows IP address settings remotely with psexec and netsh
- Hyper-V Error (23001) Cannot create or update a non highly available virtual machine
- Enabling SNMP on a Dell MXL blade switch (running FTOS)
- Enabling VNC on iDRAC7 with RACADM
- Icanhaz ハロウィンサンデー チョコレートクランチ?
- 子どもの国
- How to remove an IP subnet from VMM while IP addresses in its range are still in use
- Reset XenDesktop VM name count
- How to install the correct Hyper-V agent for your System Center installation
- Get the command line calendar to display week numbers
- Uninstall software in Windows 2012 R2 server CORE / Hyper-V server
- Bash – capture exit code / result of last command
- Configure MXL interfaces in bulk (in ranges)
- How to get UUID of local storage on XenServer
- List permissions for all directories in a path
- Use Ubuntu as a router with NAT
- Windows 2012 R2 Hyper-V core – restart the Server Configuration menu from the command line
- vCenter certificate location (for import into third-party certs on the DDC):
- Windows 2012 R2 Hyper-V – force remove from domain (when the DC cannot be contacted):
- XenServer error recovery
and Execute - Automatically logging on to Windows at startup
- RACADM – Change BIOS settings, Create commit job, Reboot and apply
- Creating and burning ISO files on Debian
- Mount FTP site as folder
- Linux screen control
- Flush Windows ARP cache
- Various handy commands for interacting with a PowerEdge C BMC
- SOL / Serial Over Lan connection from Linux to Dell iDRAC or BMC
- Identify and close iDRAC sessions via SSH
- IPMI command use for PowerEdge C-series
- Power control and capping on Dell servers using RACADM
- Instant web server with Python!
- Record video in Linux with avconv and ffmpeg
- VNC viewer connection on Debian / Ubuntu (in this case to connect to a Dell server with iDRAC)
- Mount an ISO
- Enable Japanese input on Debian with Anthy
- Adding a user to the sudo group
- Automatically mount SMB / CIFS / Windows share on Debian at startup
- Examples of backing up DVD’s with Handbrake / HandbrakeCLI
- Enabling DVD backup / playback on Debian Wheezy
- Building HandbrakeCLI from source on Debian Wheezy
- Finished Dark Souls 2
- How to use openssl to create a certificate (CER) and PFX file to connect to Azure using the App Controller
- XenDesktop 7.5 mapped drive execute permission
- Disabling Windows 2012 R2 firewall with netsh
- VMware default user names / logins and passwords
- Configuring iSCSI and management networks on a Dell EqualLogic PS-M4110 storage array
- X Rebirth: Free play guide – Getting started as a pirate – 5: Reparing a ship by editing a save file
- X Rebirth: Free play guide – Getting started as a pirate – 4: Taking over another ship
- X Rebirth: Free play guide – Getting started as a pirate – 3: Getting ready for a fight
- X Rebirth: Free play guide – Getting started as a pirate – 2: Getting cash by long-range scanning
- X Rebirth: Free play guide – Getting started as a pirate – 1: Basic navigation
- Nagios3 – location of config and plugin directories with Crunchbang (debian squeeze)
- 焼き肉
- 赤坂でお好み焼きになりました
- If there is a way for the Japanese to cuteify something, they will
- Saturday evening begins