How to set up NAT and No-NAT networking with NC2 on AWS

Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) on AWS support native AWS networking but it is also possible to deploy Flow overlay networking as part of the cluster creation process. Flow overlay networking enables many powerful features. One of those is the ability to create completely new Flow VPCs with subnets using entirely different CIDR ranges than the native AWS VPC. This gives great flexibility in handling networking for Virtual Machines (VMs) running on NC2 on AWS.

When Flow overlay networking is used, VMs can communicate with the outside world in a few different ways. One is through NAT:ed networking, where the overlay subnet which the VMs are connected to is internal to NC2 only and is not visible outside the cluster from the AWS native side.

The other is to use No-NAT. In that case the overlay subnet which the VMs are connecting to is added to the native AWS VPC routing table. Thereby it is possible for entities in the native AWS VPC, or elsewhere, to access VMs on NC2. This is despite those VMs being connected to overlay networks with CIDR ranges which doesn’t exist on the AWS native side.


In this example, two Flow overlay VPC’s are created with one subnet each. One is the NAT:ed network with a CIDR range of and the other is a No-NAT network with a CIDR range of

The neighboring VPC with CIDR is connected to the VPC holding the NC2 cluster via an Amazon Transit Gateway (TGW). A Windows EC2 instance will be used to verify connectivity once routing has been set up for the No-NAT network.

Flow Transit VPC

To handle North-South connectivity for the workloads on NC2 there is a Flow Transit VPC deployed as part of the cluster creation. It is a special VPC in that while it handles external connectivity for VMs on NC2, those VMs don’t connect to it directly. Instead separate Flow VPC’s are created for VM connectivity and those VPCs are in turn attached to the Flow Transit VPC.

NAT network connectivity

In this section a new Flow VPC called “VPC A” is created and attached to the Flow Transit VPC. VPC A will be used for VMs which use NAT:ed communication with the outside world.

In Prism Central on NC2 on AWS, navigate to “Network and Security” and create a new VPC.

The VPC is given the name “VPC A” and for “External Connectivity” the already existing “overlay-external-subnet-nat” subnet is used. Check the box for using this subnet as the next hop / default route for all outbound traffic.

The VPC is now created but we also need a subnet for VMs to attach to. Click on “VPC A” and then “Create Subnet” from the “Subnet” tab. In this case the CIDR range is used.

Now the NAT network configuration is complete. We can test connectivity by creating a new VM and attaching it to the new “VPC A – Subnet 1” NAT network.

In Prism Central, navigate to “VM” and create a new VM

Once the VM is created, power it on and verify that it can connect to the outside world.

In this case we get an IP of “” and can verify North-South connectivity by pinging a Google DNS server.

This concludes the NAT portion of the setup.

No-NAT network connectivity

For No-NAT connectivity, the steps are very similar to those just performed for the NAT:ed portion. However, there are two additional steps to perform. The first is to create a new subnet in the Flow Transit VPC specifically for No-NAT connectivity. The second is to add the Flow overlay network CIDR range that we want to use for No-NAT as an Externally Routable Prefix, or ERP, to both the Flow Transit VPC and the Flow VPC we will create for No-NAT connectivity. Please read on to see how to set this up.

First we create a new subnet in the Flow Transit VPC and call it “overlay-external-subnet-nonat”. Navigate to “Network and Security”, select “Virtual Private Clouds” and click on the “transit-vpc”.

Go to the “Subnets” tab and select “Create Subnet”. Give it a name, like “overlay-external-subnet-nonat” and for IP address management, add any CIDR range which isn’t used elsewhere in your organization. This CIDR range will be used internally in NC2 but will not be routable or visible outside the cluster.

The “transit-vpc” will now have two subnets, like the below. The “overlay-external-subnet-nat” CIDR range will depend on the AWS native subnet NC2 has been deployed into.

Next, create a new VPC, called “VPC B” in this example and for external connectivity use the newly created “overlay-external-subnet-nonat”. Note that “NAT-ed” is set to “No”.

We also create a new subnet in that VPC so VMs have something to connect to. In this case we use a CIDR range of “”.

Finally, the most important point is to add the CIDR range of the newly created subnet to both the Flow Transit VPC and to VPC B as an ERP or Externally Routable Prefix.

Select “VPC B” and click “Update” to add “” as the ERP

Next, do the same to the “transit-vpc”

That is all we need to do on the configuration side. Congratulations!

Verify that the new No-NAT network shows up in the native AWS route table

In the AWS console, go to the default route table of the VPC which NC2 is deployed into and verify that the “” network has been automatically added to the route table. It will be pointing to the ENI (Elastic Network Interface) of the currently active NC2 bare-metal node.

Verifying No-NAT routing and connectivity

For testing purposes, deploy a VM in NC2 and attach it to the newly created No-NAT network. In this case the VM received an IP of “”.

Next we add a static route to in the TGW route table, marked as step 1 in the diagram below.

In the AWS console, navigate to “Transit Gateway route tables”, select the route table for the TGW used to provide connectivity between the two AWS native VPCs and add a static route for “” pointing to the VPC attachment for the VPC holding the NC2 cluster.

Finally, we add a static route for “” to the route table of the native AWS VPC with CIDR “” to enable the EC2 instances there to communicate with the test VM running on NC2. The route here will be pointing to the TGW attachment since the TGW will be handling the communication between the NC2 cluster VMs and the attached AWS native VPC.

This concludes the routing configuration. As the final step we can verify connectivity by connecting from the AWS native Windows EC2 instance to the Ubuntu test VM on NC2 on AWS (with IP″) using SSH.

As shown in the screenshot, there is no problem to access the NC2 VM from an AWS EC2 instance, despite the NC2 VM being attached to a Flow overlay network which doesn’t exist outside NC2. The No-NAT configuration makes connectivity from the outside world possible.

Adding an AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) to direct traffic between web servers on Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2)

One of the great things about running a virtualized infrastructure on NC2 on AWS is the close proximity to all the cloud native services. One of those highly useful services is the AWS ELB or Elastic Load Balancer.

In this post we show how to get floating IP addresses from the VPC in which NC2 is located and to assign them to a number of web servers running as VMs on NC2. Then we create a Load Balancer target group and finally we create an Application Load Balancer (ALB) and attach it to the target group.


In this blog post we only cover the deployment of the web servers and the load balancer, however, Route 53 can also be leveraged for DNS and AWS WAF for security and DDOS protection purposes as illustrated below

Preparing some web servers

We first deploy a few test web servers. In this case the wonderfully named Jammy Jellyfish edition of Ubuntu Server as a cloud image. Feel free to download the image from here:

Prism Central makes it very easy to deploy multiple VMs in one go.

When deploying, make sure to use the cloud-init script to set the password and any other parts to make the VM usable after 1st boot:

password: Password1
chpasswd: { expire: False }
ssh_pwauth: True

Now we have our VMs ready. I’ve installed the Apache web server to serve pages (apt install apache2) but feel free to use whatever works best in your setup.

I used the following index.html code to show the server ID

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cat /var/www/html/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        body {
            display: flex;
            justify-content: center;
            align-items: center;
            height: 100vh;
            margin: 0;
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            background-color: #f0f0f0;
        .message-container {
            max-width: 300px;
            padding: 20px;
            text-align: center;
            background-color: #ffffff;
            border: 1px solid #cccccc;
            border-radius: 10px;
            box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    <div class="message-container">
            // Fetch the hostname
            document.write("Welcome to Server 1");

Configure floating IP addresses for the web servers

Next we request a few floating IP addresses from the VPC which NC2 is deployed into and then assign one IP each to our web servers. Luckily Prism Central makes also this very easy to do – in a single step! From “Compute & Storage”, select “Floating IPs” under “Network & Security”:

After assigning the IPs we can see that each VM have both an internal and an external IP address, where the “external” IP comes from the AWS VPC CIDR range

Creating an AWS LB target group

Next we create a target group for the AWS ALB which we deploy in the next step. The LB target group simply contain the Floating IP addresses we just assigned as well as a health check for the web root of these web servers.

We create an “IP address” target group and set the health check to be HTTP, port 80 and the path as “/” or the web root.

We then add the Floating IP addresses we created previously

Create the Application Load Balancer (ALB)

Finally we create the ALB and assign it to our target group

Test of the ALB

Now we’re all done and can access our ALB to see if it shows balances between the NC2 VMs as expected.

We’re getting a different web server each time we refresh the page – all good!

That’s all for now. Hope that was helpful and thank you for reading!