Windows 2012 R2 Hyper-V – force remove from domain (when the DC cannot be contacted):
From normal cmd (not powershell):
netdom remove %computername% /domain:%userdomain% /force
XenServer error recovery
Reset without restarting (if things are hung and aren’t going well):
View current tasks:
xe task-list
Power off VM if hung (but it can take a long time – shut down by itself while checking commands this time)
xe vm-reboot vm=(name or UUID of VM) –force
xe vm-reset-powerstate vm=(name or UUID of VM) –force
Find and Execute
find . -exec cmd -option1 -option2 — {} +
find . -print0 | xargs -0 cmd -option1 -option2 —
For example:
find . -name “*.bkp” -exec ls -l {} +
Rule the world!
Automatically logging on to Windows at startup
Start>run: netplwiz
Select Account
Uncheck box near top of dialog box