Using ChatGPT as a translation service

This is a quick note to show a concept of using the ChatGPT API for translation. In this case for English to Japanese, but it could be changed into any language. Since we want to talk to it we use Amazon Transcribe to turn speech into text. That text is sent to ChatGPT for translation. When the translated text comes back we feed it into Amazon Polly to turn it into speech again.

This is all running on a Raspberry Pi 3b+

Source code

Source code can be found on GitHub:

Quick demo video

Snakeinator case and final touches

The environmental control system for Mr. Snuggles the ball python is now nearly finished. Throughout the last couple of weeks I’ve worked on learning Fusion 360 in order to create a new case. The previous one was done with Tinkercad and the one before that in FreeCAD. The first iteration was a Tupperware case, lol

Work in progress while designing the case

The electronics didn’t end up as clean as I was hoping it would be but it works and that’s always been rule number one for this project. There will likely be a version after this and for that it would be great to etch a proper circuit board rather than using universal PCB boards as I have done up to now.

An old Wii U gave up its case fan for this project. It’s very quiet and perfect for case cooling

Currently I’m tuning the settings to dial in the right temperatures and humidity in the different parts of the enclosure. Grafana is a lifesaver as always 🙂

Work in progress on dialing in correct temperatures and humidity

The next step may be to add a humidifier of some sort and hook it up to the humidity values. The biggest challenge in controlling the environment has been the humidity. This seems to be a common gripe among those who use glass terrariums and I can certainly see why. Right now a couple of towels on top of the mesh screen in the lid help keep things under control but it’s not an ideal solution as it also limits air flow.

Mr. Snuggles loves his tubes

Re-written Python code for snake environment control system

As part of revising the entire environmental control system for the ball python “Mr. Snuggles” I’ve re-done the code for getting sensor telemetry and control of relays for heat mats and the heat lamp from scratch.

Last weekend I finished the updated wiring diagram and soldering. This weekend was the coding update, which will still require some work until it’s done. However, the main modules for DS18b20 sensor telemetry, DHT22 humidity and temperature as well as the actual relay control are done. These files can now be accessed from GitHub as per the below

Next step is to integrate Grafana with buttons for controlling the temperature. This previously required re-building the docker images and was rather inconvenient. Soon it will be as simple as tapping a touch panel. That part will require creating an API which Grafana can interact with and will likely be done next weekend if time allows.

Redfish tutorial videos for beginners

I recently made a collection of videos for people to get started with Redfish on iDRAC using either PowerShell or Python. Hopefully they’ll be helpful for those starting out with the Redfish API on Dell EMC servers (or in general).

For scripts, please refer to the Dell EMC Github page here:


Redfish with Python: Getting started with the environment

Redfish with Python: Basic scripts

Redfish with Python: Modifying server settings with SCP (Server Configuration Profiles)


Redfish with PowerShell: Setting up the environment

Redfish with PowerShell: Modifying server settings

Redfish with PowerShell: Modifying server settings with SCP (Server Configuration Profiles)