Tensorflow item recognition

Leveraging Google’s Tensorflow Machine Learning libraries for item recognition in images is fantastically easy to get going. The below Dockerfile will setup a container with everything required and allow the user to feed a URL to a file for classification:

Download raw from here: https://pastebin.com/raw/mdJ225vp

Save the above into a file called “Dockerfile”.
Enter the directory where the Dockerfile is saved and build the Docker image:

Verify the Docker image:

Run the image. We’ll expose SSH on port 22 on the container as 2222 on the host:

Verify the local Docker gateway IP using the container ID (81f13360885f in this case – use “docker ps” to find out):

SSH and execute the image classification script (password: “tensorflow”):

This is the image we’ve pulled down:

And this is the classification result:

Not too bad 🙂 Tensorflow accurately detects that the image contains a scooter, a crash helmet and even sees the disk brake on the scooter! Try with any image URL to see what Tensorflow will classify your image as. Have fun!

Ubuntu 18.04.1 – Change hostname

While I’d normally use “hostnamectl set-hostname ” to modify the hostname of a Linux box, that doesn’t work for Ubuntu 18.04. The hostname will remain unchanged. Instead, modify as follows.

In /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg, modify “preserve_hostname” from “false” to “true”:

vi /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg

Modify hostname to the value you want in /etc/hostname:

vi /etc/hostname


New iDRAC Ansible module: Version 1.1 released

The recently released version 1.1 adds streaming Server Configuration File (SCP) support, enhanced RAID creation and many other goodies! See the release notes here for details: Dell EMC Ansible modules version 1.1

Below are some installation instructions (in particular for those who have been using the original Ansible modules).

System used:
CentOS 7.5

Get the new Ansible modules for iDRAC off Github:

Get the Dell EMC OpenManage Python SDK off Github:

Remove some packages or we will run into errors during the SDK install:
NOTE: This will uninstall Ansible. Backup your /etc/ansible/hosts file prior to Ansible removal!

Install the Dell EMC OpenManage Python SDK prerequisites:

Reinstall Ansible:

Install wheel:

Build .whl file:

Install the newly built module:

Install the new Dell EMC Ansible modules for iDRAC:

All done! The new Ansible modules are installed.

Modifying /etc/ansible/hosts:
The previous version of the Dell EMC Ansible modules for iDRAC required the following format:

The new modules require some different variables:

Trying it out:

Working perfectly 🙂

Arduino powered LED sign

Using an Arduino UNO and 8 strips of Neopixel ws2812 strips (60 LED/m) I was able to recreate the awesome LED sign created by Josh here: https://youtu.be/k-SYMPO8-f8

Needed some text to test it and picked the cf push haiku by Onsi Fakhouri:

cf push haiku here is my source code run it on the cloud for me i do not care how”


Expanded sources.list for Ubuntu server 18.04

By default, if the new installer is utilized when deploying Ubuntu server 18.04, the /etc/apt/sources.list will contain only two entries. This doesn’t cover much, so to expand it to be a bit more useful we replace it with:

deb http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main restricted
deb http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates main restricted
deb http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic universe
deb http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates universe
deb http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic multiverse
deb http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-updates multiverse
deb http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security main restricted
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security universe
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security multiverse

Note that this is for Japan (“jp”). Change this to “us” or similar to match your region if not in Japan.